Foundation Year

Achieve excellence in foundation programs that provide high quality education in the field of healthcare in a cooperative and creative environment under the guidance of qualified faculty members and with a distinguished academic partnership with well-recognized international universities.

Improve students’ English language proficiency, learning and communication skills and provide them with the foundation knowledge necessary for their academic success in healthcare fields.
Foundation Year
The Foundation Year is a comprehensive academic foundation program that carries academic credits and is fundamental to healthcare studies at MACHS. The program is designed to prepare newly admitted students by teaching them the essential skills necessary to excel in higher education within the healthcare field. In this intensive program, students receive a solid academic foundation in English, basic sciences, computer skills, and learning and communication strategies. Upon successful completion of the Foundation Year, students are eligible to begin their major programs.
Our Goal
To equip the students with academic skills and foundation knowledge that will prepare them for their educational and career life.
- To deepen the students’ basic science knowledge and computer skills through English.
- To enhance English language proficiency with an emphasis on integrating the four skills for effective studies in the healthcare field.
- To improve communication skills that enable students to interact in real-life situations.
- To develop communication and learning skills needed for academic and independent learning.
- To develop the principles of discipline, commitment and a sense of responsibility.
- To promote students’ leadership quality, teamwork, critical thinking and self-confidence.
- To enforce Islamic values.
Foundation English Language Program (FELP)
The Foundation English Program aims to improve English language proficiency and provide personal, communication, and learning skills for effective college and lifelong learning. Students receive sixteen hours of intensive English instruction and two hours of learning skills in Level 1, whereas, in Level 2, they receive thirteen hours plus three hours of communication skills. The In-house English Placement Test (EPT) assesses students’ language skills and places them into two levels based on their performance: beginner or intermediate. This test aligns with the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).
Language of Instruction
English is the language of instruction in all courses except those devoted to studying Islamic courses.
- Test date and time are announced through the Admission and Registration office.
- Admission and Registration office informs the students about the required documents (National ID) to bring to the test.
- Departmental Examination Committee (DEC) coordinator distributes the exam papers to the proctors in the exam halls.
- Students must sign in and out on the attendance sheet.
- Students are given a 10-minute orientation on the structure of the test before the beginning of the test.
- Students must complete the EPT within the given time (90 minutes). No extra time is allowed.
- Examination Committee coordinator counts the answer sheets at the end of the test ensuring they correspond with the number of students who took the test.
- Examination Committee coordinator collects and submits the answer sheets to the Examination Unit.
- Examination Unit sends the students’ EPT results to the Head of the Foundation Year
- FYD HOD shares the final EPT results of the students with the Admission and Registration office.
- Results are published by the Admission and Registration office using students’ national ID through MACHS system. The students’ EPT scores get reflected on their account.
- Admission and Registration office sends the final list of newly admitted students with their EPT scores to the FYD academic advising committee to distribute the students into sections based on their English levels.
Program (FYD)
Foundation Year Department (FYD) Study System
The Foundation year program at the college consists of two semesters, with the option of an additional semester or summer for retaking courses. The program includes three subdivisions: English division (FELP), science division, and general knowledge division, and all classes are semester-based, graded using the semester system. Its goal is to give students the essential skills and knowledge to succeed in their undergraduate studies.
All courses offered in the Foundation year program are semester-based, and the decisions of these courses will be on the semester system.