Registration office

Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Info


IP – progress Grade:

A temporary grade of (IP) is assigned to students who must still fulfill all the requirements. This grade is recorded in the academic record and indicates that the student is progressing. Once the student meets all the requirements, the (IP) grade will be replaced with a final grade.

IC – Complete Grade:

A temporary grade is assigned to a course requirement a student could not fulfill within the specified time. This grade is recorded in the academic record, indicating that the student could not complete the requirement. However, once the student meets the requirement, the (IC) grade will be replaced with a final grade.

Grading System and Code

Symbol (Arabic) Symbol (English) Mark Limits Points (out of 5) Points (out of 4) Grades (Arabic) Grades (English)
أ+ A+ 95-100 5 4 ممتاز مرتفع Exceptional
أ ِِA 90-94.99 4.75 3.75 ممتاز Excellent
ب+ B+ 85-89.99 4.5 3.5 جيد جدا مرتفع Superior
ب B 80-84.99 4 3 جيد جدا Very Good
ج+ C+ 75-79.99 3.5 2.5 جيد مرتفع Hight Good
ج C 70-74.99 3 2 جيد Good
د+ D+ 65-69.99 2.5 1.5 مقبول مرتفع High Pass
د D 60-64.99 2 1 مقبول Pass
هـ F Less than 60 1 0 راسب Fail
م IP - - - مستمر Inprogress
ل IC - - - غير مكتمل Incomplete
ح DN - 0 0 محروم Denial
ند NP 60 or more - - ناجح دون درجة No grade pass
هد NF Less than 60 - - راسب دون درجة No grade fail
ع W - - - منسحب Withdrawn
من DS - - - منقطع Discontinuance
مع ER - 0 0 معفاة Exempted

Awarding Honors Degree

At graduation, the First Degree Honors are granted to the Student achieving an accumulated average of 4.75 or more out of 5 or 3.75 or more out of 4. Getting the First Degree Honors is stipulated with the following:



Registrar Office

The Registrar manages student records and helps students with any questions or issues regarding academic regulations and program requirements. They ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of records and assist with administrative processes related to registration, enrollment, and graduation.